Zuma Deploys Troops At SONA
8 February 2017
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President Jacob Zuma has given the army the green light to join the police in keeping the peace on the Cape Town’s streets ahead of the State of the Nation Address.

Four hundred and forty one members of the South African National Defence Force will be deployed until Friday‚ the presidency said in a statement.

The SANDF members will help police “maintain law and order” during the opening of parliament‚ the Presidency said.

The military deployment will last until February 10.

Security is expected to be unusually tight at this year’s address.

At least seven streets are expected to be closed surrounding the parliamentary precinct‚ according to an internal memorandum from secretary to parliament Gengezi Mgidlana to all staff members.

Staff who are not performing any specific duties on the day of the address have been told not to come in.

– TMG Digital.

0 Replies to “Zuma Deploys Troops At SONA”

  1. Pathetic,go sell pussy bitch!.

    Now ,bitch! ,That’s your cause and effect.

    Shove where the sun doesn’t shine.

  2. Twart! ,All I know is you are a washed up fart , that doesn’t know what is left and what’s right.

    What’s simple is your idiotic reasoning.The reasoning of a dry ,washed up pussy ,that can’t think straight.

    What’s simple is ,your idiocity,your mother,the Ndebele prostitute who gave you birth or was it ,your father the Ndebele thief and okapi wielder ,will not change your fate.

    There is a word for a person like you, psychopath…Ya that’s the word.

    A sperm bin you are ,and a sperm bin you will remain.

    Now ,that’s simple!!

  3. There is noways the people of Matebeleland, or even their politicians will ever prioritise the “National” when they are being sidelined and discriminated against at the national level.

    You must understand that, it is you the Shona people who leave them with no choice, but to go regional as a way of self preservation.

    This is now a matter of survival, amidst an overwhelming Shona tribal majority that is bent on annahilating us from the face of the earth, if we dont “dzokera to KZN”.

    Joshua Nkomo went national in the 1950s, because this “Zimbabwe is a Shona country” nonsense that came with Mugabe and his ZANU from Mozambique and subsequently indoctrinated into the Shona psyche, did not exist in Rhodesian days.

    Black people were all treated equally by successive white governments in their discrimination.

    In Mugabe’s Zim; the Shonas come first – so how can we, as a minority be national under such circumstances?

    You are being dishonest. Most of these negative comments from Shonas started immediately after 1980; after Mugabe came to power. What were you being defensive about?

    No; be honest; it was about revenge for the percieved sins of our forefathers, nothing else.

    As of now, I would agree; its being defensive, because you are now also suffering like we were in the 1980s and still are to this day. But what about the 80s?

    Its impossible to stop linking Shonas with Mugabe or attacking them alongside Mugabe, when they themselves dont distinguish themselves from Mugabe or ZANU PF, when push comes to shove.

    You use the same tribalistic language and insults that Mugabe or his ZANU PF uses against us – really, how do you expect us to treat you differently?

    Mugabe insulted Khalanga people at the end of his tenure as SADC chairman. After that we saw the same insults flying all over the place in various Zim media/websites from Shonas, against Khalanga people. Tell us; where is the difference?

    Please be honest and reasonable. The fault is yours; not us. You Shonas have a serious problem in accepting that our nation is multilingual and multi ethnic. I dont know why. Why was this not an issue in Rhodesia?

    Even this inclusion of all the 16 languages in the new constitution was driven by mainly Welshmans MDC. Almost all Shona led parties were rather indifferent or not serious about it. Its the same case with the issue of Devolution – all because you are all sitting pretty and benefiting from the ZANU PF Shona oriented policies!!

  4. Youngman; I am part of humanity first, before I am a Shona. I dont believe in this primitive ganging up, that you expect if me just for the sake of it.

    Why should I? I mean I simply dont know you, just as much as I dont know the next Ndebele – your perennial enemies.

    After all, what does Shona mean? That means nothing to me and I dont even know what that very word SHONA means, neither do I care or know where it comes from.

    Just get down to the nitty gritty – understand the “cause and effect” principle. Simple!!

  5. Where was I ?.

    Right!My young tart,you seriously need re education, seriously.

    1.My foolish lace,no one is justified in saying I hate my country.Only foreigners can say that ,not a citizen..Wanzwa ka.Hazvitaurwe .A person can hate a system, government or an institution…Never can you say I hate the country.

    Wotonzwa some one …Who says she wants to educate Doc ,say ” …They are justified in hating ZIMBABWE..”
    Nxa, disgusting line of thought.

    2.You have nothing to offer Doc ,lacy,I’m ashamed you are even Shona.Its you and people like you who bring shonas like me shame .

    So you bought a small phone or some small g tide ZIMBABWEAN phone or some second hand laptop,and you heard there is internet,and you thought you could just start typing your nonsense.

    Go suck cock,bitch!.And I don’t mean that with anger or fury…I mean it ,with a sense of disgust.

    Your very posts are nuasiating

  6. Tell you what my man,Doc is a reasonable person.And since you are being reasonable,Doc will be reasonable too.

    All you have said is true.All lot has been said of Ndebeles,mostly negative.And I will be dishonorable if I should defend or deny what you wrote.

    But,I beg to defer,most shonas ,and I mean most shonas are peaceful and actually want to come exist with matebeles.

    Yes most shonas say go back to KZN ,but the real reason normally is that it is a defensive posture.Most Ndebeles as well ,are too quick to want to stroke tribal hate …most without noticing..Will be assulting and Inslutting shonas, and as a response most shonas will spite out bile.Just like what I was doing…

    If you say shonas are stupid rulers ,do you think shonas will interpret it as insulting government,noo!,we will assume we will interpret it as an attack on all shonas…Hence why we say we will rule till Jesus comes,it’s all defensive.Even you would do that.

    But say Mugabe and his government are bad rulers,and you see those same shonas will help you attack Mugabe.

    We have a lot to learn from each other,so that we can peacefully co exist…But tribal slurs will not help.

    The more you antagonize shonas ,the more we will act as if we are defending Mugabe .

    As I said ,stop attacking shonas and you will see a change

    Personally I don’t hate any Ndebeles,nor do I like them …I’m indifferent.I like those I like , I hate some.

    We are one country,and that’s not going to change any time soon and not in our lifetime…So why not get along.

    I don’t mind a ndebele president,but the problem is ,the current crop of matebele leadership always wants ZIMBABWE to prioritize matebeleland first ahead of Zimbabwe,this is the reason why no matebele leader will ever win ZIMBABWE elections in this near future.

    But as for the whole gukurahundi issue ,most shonas are sympathetic to you guys ,but you make it hard to get along with

  7. No. Mugabe and most Shona and their Shona ideology are one. They are inseparable. How many times have we been told by ordinary Shonas to go back to KZN? How many times have we been told we are a minority? How many times have we been told by Shonas that no Ndebele will ever be President; we will only remain Deputies to Shonas? You yourself have said it many times too.

    How many times have we been told Gukurahundi was justified, albeit not by all Shonas? How many times have we been told we are not educated? How many times have we been told about us rushing to eGoli after O levels; as if this never happens with the Shonas? How many times have we been told that our women; the same women Shonas have as mothers are Mahure – yet prostitution is oldest human vice in the world found in all humanity all over the world?

    Please give us a break. Most of these insults started after 1980; after Mugabe and ZANU PF took power. Shonas felt they were now in power and it was now time to seek revenge – for what we dont even know; since none of us lived in the era of tribal wars. We really dont know what crimes we committed; that could be any worse than the Gukurahundi crimes being smeared on Bona, Chatunga and Robert junior.

    Numerous times we are told “WE RULE YOU”, by none other than Shona people. So, if you RULE US, how do we separate you Shonas from Mugabe and ZANU PF, seeing that its them who are ruling and they are also Shona?

    In fact, most of the things the Shonas say against us, are actually the same things Mugabe and his ZANU PF have been saying when they choose to insult the people of Matebeleland. I have never heard Mugabe tribally insulting Shonas – never! So what does that mean to you?

  8. Look here young man. In science there is what is called the “cause and effect” principle. Life’s problems are resolved through the understanding of this basic principle of nature. It can also apply to human socio economic relations young man, wanzwa?

    Zimbabwe’s racial and tribal problems can only be resolved through applying this basic scientific principle. Learn to understand, why the next person does things in a particular way; says the things that he says; responds to situations in the manner he does. Find out the cause; the reasons why etc. This is what life is all about – solving problems through learning the causes of those problems.

    What I am teaching you now young man is intellectual depth – most ordinary folk dont understand this and understandably so; consequently, the manner in which you respond to issues that relate to Matebeleland is also just as pedestrian. It clearly lacks this intellectual depth that I am talking about. People dont just lash out for no reason. Everything in life happens for a reason.

    The reaction of the people of Matebeleland to Mugabe, ZANU PF and all that they appear to represent; whether its Shonahood or the Shona identity is to my mind very understandable; given the way they have been treated in this post 1980 independent Zimbabwe.

    Please note that I am saying, it is UNDERSTANDABLE – I did not say it is RIGHT!

    So young man – let us all as a nation sit around a table and delve into the causes. After understanding the causes; we will then be in a position to formulate permanent solutions.

    Avoid anger Doc. Insulting me is water on a duck’s back. It means nothing. So please stop wasting your time.

  9. Your blame ,my emotional son,is not to separate the two.

    Whether Mugabe forced Shona on you or his soldiers were shonas ,never and I mean never attack both shonas and zanu.

    Attack gukurahundi, attack Mugabe, attack,the government…Leave shonas out of it.

    You will never win a war on 2 fronts ,one fighting shonas and fighting Mugabe.All shonas ,will seem as if they support Mugabe ,they dont!.

    Shonas only support their shonaness,if you attack shonas,whilst trying to attack Mugabe…We will attack you.

    So it’s your choice.But trust me, you will never win a war against both zanu and agitated shonas.This is the reason why you lot seem to confuse that with supporting Mugabe,and Mugabe will be laughing because you will be helping him stay in power.

    The more you rant on , about how Shona is an evil Language.you are only supporting Mugabe, because he will be saying look at the Ndebeles..You need me to keep them in check ,and drives will vote for Mugabe.

    Stop supporting Mugabe,attack Mugabe and not shonas.

  10. Still lacking imagination I see.A person that lacks imagination is as good as dead.And you Rudo ,you lack imagination or shrewdness.
    …I call you young woman…You call me Youngman…Hahahah,you are pathetic,no wonder ZIMBABWE is in ruins.It doesn’t irritate me ,being called Youngman,what irritates me is Your lack of any imagination,any vocabulary,and any attempt to appear intellectual ….Why not say ” granddad..” or ” idiot” or any such name …Do you have to wait on my cues for ideas.Do you have to hang on my very words to get any ideas of your own.Nxa.

    Discussion with you is beneath me,but as Doc I will oblige, your ignorance and shocking stupidity.

    I will not even digest ,your post , because it lacks so much and I can poke so much holes into it ,it’s unbelievable.

    Suffice to say, young bitches ,ooops ,old bitches like you,get your just deserved reward.And one day yours will come ,from the dogs you so stupidly feed.

    It shocks me ,that a supposedly Normal person… Supposed being the keyword,can defend people who laugh and curse at a person who was shot in the head ,the people who you were defending that day were saying the Shona bitch must die ,and you defended them.Now ,these idiots ,curse and scream Against shonas…And you say…”..They are justified in hating ZIMBABWE..”

    I have actually realised my mistake bitch ,and that’s assuming you had a brain, instead of seeing that you are some Ndebeles sperm bin.

    Well the party is over ,bitch!.
    You are Sooo confused with ndebele cock and screwing,that you forget your keeth and kin.You actually defend people who are laughing at an innocent mother of 3 shot ..How good is the Ndebele dick that you have lost all wits?.

    Well ,I will no longer attend to your sick posts any longer,bitch!.

  11. Does Mugabe and his ZANU OF separate themselves from Shonas?

    Is the name Gukurahundi not Shona?

    Was Shona not the language forced at gun point on the people of Matebeleland in the 1980s?

    What language did the Gukurahundus speak?

    Other than English what other language does Mugabe, Mnangagwa and the numerous Shonas use on all and sundry across the nation, not only whithin their ZANU PF party space?

    So dont blame us; blame your Mugabe and their ZANU PF.

  12. Blame that on Mugabe. He conflated his party, and himself with the Shona.

    True, the innocent villagers are collateral damage which is regrateble; but the blame lies squarley on Mugabe and his ZANU PF.

    Your choice in siding with them only makes matters worse, and sows more divisions and confusion!!

  13. Look here young man. Once you define a country as belonging to one race or tribe; more so with a name that is exclusively of that privilaged tribe.

    And you go on to teach an old tribalistically divisive history to the young generation; and you only teach and emphasise the heroes and spirit mediums of only that one privilaged tribe.

    Above all, taking advantage of the majority status of that privilaged tribe, you refuse to institute a system of governance that ensures checks and balances, so that minorities also benefit and instead you turn a blind eye and keep preaching that everyone is free to live and work anywhere they choose; knowing fully well that in practice this only works for your favoured majority tribe – what would you expect from the suffering minorities?

    You expect praises, dance and singing? You must be mad indeed. All these evils were instituted by ZANU PF right from 1980 and you support this satanism?

    You need a cleansing of your spirit. You are not a normal human being; very selfish, unfeeling and almost devilish like Mugabe.

    The minorities are quite justified in turning their backs on the country of their birth. Its not their choice; you forced them to. The fault is yours; not theirs!!

  14. Rudo ,you need re education my dear.

    Never is anyone justified in hating ZIMBABWE,or any country.You can be justified in hating the system,the institutions ,or even the president,but never are you justified in hating the country.

    So ,my young protégee,as I said I understand your youthful zest ,but it’s a bit misguided.Never can and MUST you write such a politically incorrect statement as this.

    But you are young,and impressionable.

  15. Yes ,I’m a very proud Shona,thank you.

    And ,no sir ,Doc doesn’t know how to keep quiet .

    I call you Ndebele for the same reason,why you come from Matabeleland.

  16. Now you are talking sense.

    I don’t support zanu or Mugabe.I did once ,but never again.

    So long as matebeles don’t separate between shonas and zanu and Mugabe ,you will always have a double fight on your hands ,you will always have enemies of Zanu and shonas in general.

    I’m actually not even tribalistic,but I will not sit idly by whilst you lot preach hate to peaceful shonas ,who are suffering just as much as matebeles.

    You don’t seem to get it,the moment you insult Shona ,even though your wish is to insult Mugabe ,you automatically insult me and anyone who is Shona,and we will come out sounding Zanu…But the reality is,it’s because you have attacked a Shona

    Stop insulting shonas,and attack Mugabe and Zanu..And no one will attack you or be defensive.

  17. Rudo my love ,my young protégee ,I haven’t supported zanu since a while back.

    I will never again be associated with Zanu ,my love,but at times we supp with the devil for good reason.

    Most of the idiots you seem to defend here will rather see you dead and buried ,my love,all because you are Shona .

    I neither hate or love Ndebeles..I’m indifferent towards them.As I’m indifferent towards all shonas,I neither hate not love shonas ,I’m indifferent.

    To any person who preaches hate towards shonas , Whether they are crazy or not ,I will indulge them and fight with them.

    Judge me ,I deserve to be,but my conviction is solid.Each to his own.

    If they want to hate Mugabe or Zanu ,they have my full blessing.But to say they are justified to hate the country is treasonous and I’ll minded my love.

    Ndebeles are not justified to hate the country ,what has a Shona , struggling in Murehwa ,done to these okapi wielders.

  18. You are Tshona wena – thats why you call everyone Ndebele; keep quiet. Its Mugabe Shona illness thats troubling you!!

  19. Nonsense. You have this nauseating tendency of calling anyone Ndebele; whats wrong with you?

    In Mthwakazi, we hate Mugabe and of course the Shonas who support his policies in Mthwakazi. Nobody hates Shonas.

    Why confuse yourself with Mugabe and ZANU PF?

    As long as you dont see anything wrong in benefiting in Mugabe/ZANU PF’s tribalism against us, you will also be in the firing line!!

  20. Your problem is you conflate Mugabe ZANU PF hate with Shona hate. Its no secret that Mugabe and ZANU PF have conflated the Shona identity with themselves. Shonas have been used by Mugabe. So, its not Shona hate; its Mugabe hate. So stop defending Mugabe in the name of the Shona.

  21. Hi Rudo ,my intern . Happy new year.

    Missed you,by the way.

    Look love ,you know I like you,I have a soft spot for you.So I will always listen to you and your critical view of my posts.

    So I will admit,yes my posts are not helpful..Right now,what I’m posting on this particular topic is not helpful not is it meant to be helpful.

    I’m a lecturer and have been for many years,there is something I have noticed.

    I have noticed that,help those that can be helped and leave those that cannot be helped.

    I love ZIMBABWE,love,I really do .I love all the Ndebeles and shonas alike,nor prejudice.

    But ,I will help those that can be helped and leave or even destroy that can’t be helped from their misguided ways.The guys on this post,my love , are misguided and hateful.

    I never said I was a pacifist,nor did I claim sainthood.These rogue elements here are bent on Shona hate ,and no amount of debating or explaination will change them,so I have launched a full scale war ,my love ,not because I’m a tribalist,you must understand,no.But because I love ZIMBABWE.

    One day you will get it my young apprentice.

    In times of war ,doctors practice what is called triage ,this when they choose who should die or live.

  22. Hahahah…Mr Venda,go die, that’s my advice to you.

    It’s better to die ,than be a Venda.A most despised people.Poo is better .

    In SA you are a despised minority.

    In Zimbabwe you are virtually an unknown tribe.

    In your mthazi area, you are a minority of a minority, invisible.

    Hahahahaha….”I’m South African…” ,Who are you trying to kid.


  23. Hahahah…Your comments are no brainers .I already said it’s South Africa..So what’s your logic?.

    Pathetic Ndebeles,you will die from stress , hating shonas and dreaming of our destruction.


  24. Writing a book in reply; instead only two or three sentences does not change the fact that you are an idiot!!

  25. Iwe, muka mhani. These people are justified in hating Zimbabwe. Your approach of defending the tribal divisions that have been caused by Mugabe in our beloved land is totally unhelpful.

    Instead of engaging positively in addressing the causes of this dislike or the hatred of this Zimbabweans identity, so that we can rebuild our nation; you are actually seemingly ignoring genuine concerns and sounding very much ZANU PF.

    You are a tribalist. Tibvire apo!!

  26. Knowing a countries anthem ,doesn’t make you part of a country ,as saying you are a man ,yet a woman ,makes you a man.

    Yes ,sigh,it should be called Shona republic.Zimbombogwe, ZIMBABWE..To me makes no difference.

    I love it,more of you Ndebeles should hate ZIMBABWE,and go down South,it’s not like we are going to weep over you lot.Noooo!.A bunch of okapi killers and robbers.


  27. I will go baba,to the mansion I built with Mzansi gold.And when I’m done with Mzansi,my kids will stay behind (they do have PR IDs ,after all) ,and work in Mzansi.

    Hahahah.Did you kill a Ndebele ,or two ,with an okapi.
    Doc recommends ,1 week of killing for you my fine friend.I know you are used to it.

  28. Hahahah…Zimbombogwe…I like that.

    Well my fine friend,Qiniso.Hating the name or mocking it or whatever, doesn’t change shit.

    Zimbabwean you are ,and Zimbabwean you will remain.

    Die and go to heaven ,to change your citizen status.Your mthatazi or mkwazazi thing will remain a dream ,like Olympus.Never to remerge again.

    How is king Mzilikazi 11 ,hahahah…You people are full of drama.Go kill some stupid Ndebeles,with your okapi.

  29. Firstly…this is not a platform for an English lesson.It always boggles the mind,that ,idiots like you want to show your educational non existent prowess on a completely informal blogging platform….Wat gives ,eskse!.U knw if u wntd to shw u are educated,ths ain’t the platform dude.

    Trust me ,3 texts and dozens of articles to my name,I think i should know what I’m talking about.

    Secondly,I think I spoke to you some time back ,you twart, you like to use this word atrocious..Me thinks,it’s the first word you learnt when you opened a dictionary.For the love of ***** ,please choose another word other than atrocious,sies.

    3rd,being a South African is not the Holy grail.I don’t see how you being South African,will help solve your mental retardation,”….Iam a South African…” ,You are a joke.

    And, fyi, On any Zimbabwean platform claiming that you are South African,to get recognition,will only get you mockery.Zimbabweans don’t think highly of South Africans…We tend to mock the dumbasses.Try Swaziland or Lesotho,you might get the wow effect you were hoping for.

    4.If you are South African,you really have a problem,and a misguided view of things…We know you lot like women,with your internationally acclaimed small manhoods,and you like beer ,so does it mean you neither have money nor a woman , that you get caught up in Zimbabwean Separatist issues.Hahahah…Must be staying in some mhkuku.There is no other explaination for it.

    5.I doubt you are South African, me thinks you are a Ndebele,or venda, who skipped the border some few years back .Bribed a lazy home affairs offical,got a fake ID..And now are living in some back yard in Hammaskraal.

    Being Venda must be a pain I guess.In Zimbabwe we don’t even look at you lot,hahahah…What’s a Venda.You are pathetic.

    In South Africa,vendas are despised.Know one knows your funny language,and the closest language vendas share with in SA is Shona.But even shonas don’t want to get entangled with vendas.All vendas know sepedi,most sepedis ,don’t even want to be caught speaking your Bushman language.Some even whisper”…Vendas are not from South Africa…”…Hahahah…You are Venda.Man ,you should kill yourself.Maybe in heaven you might receive equal treatment… Because on earth ,no fair treatment exists for vendas,not in Zim and definitely not in SA.Man ,you are darker than ZIMBABWEANS,and that’s saying something,since most Zimbabweans are dark!.

    I’m Zimbabwean, staying in Centurion,I own the house .A foreigner,living large ,else!.You are stuck in some thondoyo..Place maybe.Or are a farm worker.

    I know the language and tone of South Africans,you can’t fool Doc ,no sir ,you can’t fool Doc.You are some okapi wielder from Lupane,who left his wife to settle in Limpopo or JHB.Now you want to fool us,well Doc ain’t fooled,no sir.Doc ain’t fooled.

  30. Me too. I am a very proud Mthwakazi; not a Zimbombogwe. I am also a proud Sell Out. Given a chance, I will always Sell Out Zimbombogwe to the highest bidder. I hate that country. I dont even know their National Anthem and will burn that piece of shit they call a flag anytime. Its a Shona Gukurahundi Republic. Everything about that country is Shona. No wonder its Zimbombogwe!!

  31. There is no word like “Zimbabwe” in my Nguni language; so how can I be Zimbabwe? Its meaningless in my language; so I dont identify with it. Its rubbish to me. I am a Mthwakazi; born and bred Mthwakazi Period!!

  32. We are Mthwakazi, we are not Zimbombogwe. We are not Tshona. Its not us who made you Tshonas feel so small – its your Mugabe; deal with him. You are too obsessed with Ndebele people. You are going crazy. Its a mental illness!!

  33. You are worse. You dont even know how to use commas. Your English is atrocious. Who told you I am Ndebele? I am Venda from both sides of the border, with Ndebele relatives. I dont wish to be South African; I am South African and you can go hang on that. Mutale where some of my relatives come from is not in Zim. Others are in West Nicholson and Beitbridge. Some of you Shonas are too fool of Mugabe idiocy. You cant think straight!!

  34. Was anyone meant to read this shit?.

    I mean my man or woman (don’t know) ,I can’t tell With you Ndebeles, here are some tips.
    1.Reduce emotions,it makes you look weak.
    2.Put points in paragraphs,you know like you were taught in high school…If you want to High school.( I know you Ndebeles skip the border at 11 ,so no insult intended if you didnt do high school).

    3.Stop having a sad sense of ownership over other people’s countries..You are not South African, although I know you wish you were,but heck ,you ain’t.

    4.I ain’t reading your shit man .

  35. No Sir or madam,I wasn’t invited to SA …I applied for a job zand they gave me….And yes I was in Shona republic two weeks ago.

    Always nice to be back home

  36. Hahahah…Wisheful thinking.No jealous my man ,or woman ….By the way you are Zimbabwean not South African, although you might have that fake ID of yours

  37. So what are you looking for there – I mean, you were never invited mos? Why dont you go back to your Shona Gukurahundi Republic?

  38. Idiot. In SA there was an announcement and Parliament was informed and they made an announcement. In the Gukurahundi Republic there is no such – no processes, nothing. They just impose everything. You just wake up in the morning to find the army in your streets. SA is wonderful and different. They have devolution; people engage in different languages; they respect each others cultures and nobody is obsessed with anyone province or obsessed with only a particular section of the population. They have heritage days – and everyone celebrates. They are all patriotic and are all keen and proud to identify themselves as South Africans, because everyone feels included. Every language has a stand alone Radio station – no deliberate mix masalla of languages in one radio station meant to woodwink the public about oneness, when there is none. The aim being to allow for domination of one language over everyone else. Nobody in Parliament stops anyone from speaking in their language, unlike the Zim Parliament where the speaker will tell an MP not to speak in Ndebele but to use English or Shona. Every part of SA is worth living in – you can make money anywhere. They dont all have to live in the Capital Pretoria. You find expensive cars in every part of the country and jobs in provinces are dominated by the locals in those provinces; thus allowing reasonable balanced sharing of opportunities across every tribe and race. All this is not because of the white people – its because of the ANC. And what about Gukurahundi Zim? You have never heard any South African chasing fellow Black South Africans – telling them to go back wherever. It doesnt happen. They only do it to foreigners. Everyone is proud of the National Anthem and their flag. Mzansi is beautiful! Mzansi is wonderful! Mzansi is ovely! Mzansi is just out of this world – thats a fact and facts are stubborn and I know you kinow it. Eat your heart out Mr Shona Gukurahundi. Shona haters will never win – you will die of tribal and racial hatred and jealousy!!

  39. Idiot. There are no Shonas in power in Mzansi. So forget it. Wise up before jealousy finishes you off!!

  40. You are missing the whole point .The issue is not if the soldiers were in or out of Parliament…The issue is the move is unconstitutional.

    The issue is the soldiers were meant to be a message for would be dissidents.

    The issue is,SA is just like any African minded country ,with alot of white people who run every facet of the country.Take that away,and SA becomes like any other African scrap heap.

    In Zimbabwe the army is deployed on civilians,in SA it was deployed on civilians.

    Yes exaggerating might be there ,but the fact still stands…The move was unconstitutional.

  41. the media likes to sensationalize irrelevant issues. the security is there to protect and those SANDF people were outside parliament.

  42. I’m loving this,many take South Africa as a beacon of democracy,well guess there goes your hope for an imaginary democracy