Mugabe Rejected Asylum
2 April 2016
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PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe was reportedly offered asylum by his then Senegalese counterpart Abdoulaye Wade in the aftermath of his electoral loss to opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai at the 2008 polls, former Education minister David Coltart has claimed.
In his autobiography, The Struggle Continues: 50 Years of Tyranny, Coltart said former South African President Nelson Mandela had a very low opinion of Mugabe and thought his successor Thabo Mbeki understood the Zimbabwean leader better.
Mugabe lost the first round of voting to Tsvangirai only to force through a violent run-off whose outcome was rejected by the international community and the opposition at home.
As diplomatic efforts to resolve the impasse in Harare continued following the disputed 2002 presidential elections, Coltart said in October 2003 he and former Finance minister Tendai Biti met Wade in Dakar and presented him with a dossier of events in Harare.
The meeting triggered a chain of events that sucked in the Senegalese leader, including a reported altercation with Mbeki over Mugabe.
“We handed him a dossier cataloguing human rights abuses and electoral fraud in Zimbabwe,” Coltart wrote.
“Being a lawyer himself, Wade was interested to hear the views of two Zimbabwean lawyers. He was sympathetic, and he told us that he would do what he could to get sense to prevail.
“Wade became critical of Thabo Mbeki’s failure to be more proactive in Zimbabwe. In 2009 he offered Mugabe asylum, saying ‘My friend Mugabe does not want to make concessions, we are at a dead end, he can no longer govern the country alone’.”
It was also reported that earlier Wade visited Zimbabwe in 2007, where he had a tense meeting with Mugabe over the deteriorating situation in the country.
Biti confirmed the meetings and that Mugabe had offers for asylum from a lot of other countries.
“Wade was part of a new crop of African leaders that found it unpalatable for an old nationalist leader to bog down the continent. We had (John) Kufuor in Ghana, (Mwai) Kibaki in Kenya and a very different (Yoweri) Museveni in Uganda,” he said.
“Mbeki himself was relatively new and Mugabe had become so politically unfashionable that everyone was offering him an opening.”
Zanu PF spokesperson Simon Khaya Moyo said he had not read Coltart’s book and could not say much. “I would not want to comment much because I have not read the book. But I do not know anything about that (asylum),” he said.
Following a State visit to Harare in November 2007, Wade told reporters in Harare that Mbeki had no monopoly on finding a solution to the Zimbabwe crisis.
“We should, at the level of Heads of State, together with brother Mbeki, undertake mediation. I think that Zimbabwe should be treated as an African problem, to be solved by all African leaders,” he was quoted as saying.
“Thabo Mbeki does not have the sole right to meet with Mugabe. Mbeki has done a lot, but the problem has not been solved.”
Wade’s visit to Harare had been postponed twice as relations between him and Mugabe remained clouded by suspicion.
After meeting with Wade, Coltart said he had stopped over in South Africa before a chance meeting with revered anti-apartheid icon Mandela.
Coltart said he had explained to Mandela that “because of his deep-rooted fears, Mugabe was unlikely to give up real power through dialogue” and Mbeki needed to appreciate that given the latter’s “policy of quiet diplomacy”.Newsday

2 Replies to “Mugabe Rejected Asylum”

  1. What I cannot understand is if Coltart understood that Mugabe is a tyrant then why did he and Biti do nothing to end Mugabe’s dictatorship when MDC had the chance to do so during the GNU? I understand that Thabo Mbeki was naive and gullible and he went out of his way to accommodate Mugabe and allow him to stay in power as long as possible and yet if MDC had gone on to produce a democratic constitution and implemented the democratic reforms necessary for free and fair elections then the 2013 elections would have been free and fair. MDC failed to produce a democratic constitution and did not implement even one reform. Not even one!
    Coltart has admitted that the new constitution does not have any checks and balances especially against the presidential powers and thus has given Mugabe excessive dictatorial powers. He, is careful NOT to say if the new constitution is a democratic one but rather argues that it is “better than the existing Lancaster House constitution”. What a deceitful argument. We set out to produce a democratic constitution that would deliver free and fair elections. The new constitution in neither democratic nor would it ever deliver free and fair elections.
    Both Coltart and Biti joined the other MDC leaders in their praise of Mugabe. Coltart said Mugabe was not the monster everyone said he was. Biti called the tyrant the “unflappable father of the nation”.
    Which ever way one looks at this issue there is no doubt that David Coltart did not told us the whole truth in his book.

  2. What I cannot understand is if Coltart understood that Mugabe is a tyrant then why did he and Biti do nothing to end Mugabe’s dictatorship when MDC had the chance to do so during the GNU? I understand that Thabo Mbeki was naive and gullible and he went out of his way to accommodate Mugabe and allow him to stay in power as long as possible and yet if MDC had gone on to produce a democratic constitution and implemented the democratic reforms necessary for free and fair elections then the 2013 elections would have been free and fair. MDC failed to produce a democratic constitution and did not implement even one reform. Not even one!
    Coltart has admitted that the new constitution does not have any checks and balances especially against the presidential powers and thus has given Mugabe excessive dictatorial powers. He, is careful NOT to say if the new constitution is a democratic one but rather argues that it is “better than the existing Lancaster House constitution”. What a deceitful argument. We set out to produce a democratic constitution that would deliver free and fair elections. The new constitution in neither democratic nor would it ever deliver free and fair elections.
    Both Coltart and Biti joined the other MDC leaders in their praise of Mugabe. Coltart said Mugabe was not the monster everyone said he was. Biti called the tyrant the “unflappable father of the nation”.
    Which ever way one looks at this issue there is no doubt that David Coltart did not told us the whole truth in his book.

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