AUDIO-Makarau Says “Election Fairness is Impossible!”
22 June 2016
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The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission Chairperson and SADC elections boss, Justice Rita Makarau, has said that fairness in election is impossible.

shock admission...Justice Rita Makarau
shock admission…Justice Rita Makarau

As she set the tone for the nature of elections in the rest of Southern Africa, Makarau said her organisation is struggling to balance between transparency and protecting vote during elections.
Addressing a group of new election commissioners from Botswana, Lesotho, Zambia and Malawi in Harare, on Wednesday, at a three day training workshop, Makarau who is also the Electoral Commissions Forum-SADC President, said balancing the two has always been what she termed a difficult task.
“I have always marveled at how elections demand that we be transparent and secret at the same time. You know what I am talking about? Our processes have got to be very, very transparent but we have got to protect the secrecy of the vote,” she said.
“So it is a skill that you have got to learn and balance, when do I stop being transparent and protect the secrecy of the vote”.
“We may laugh but we need to understand at each and every stage the guiding principle, the underlying principle why we do certain things in a particular way, why do we have to be transparent at one stage and have to be secretive at some other stages,” she said. –

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7 Replies to “AUDIO-Makarau Says “Election Fairness is Impossible!””

  1. kanti bekungela zikliwi ebezingamhoza aphumuze akade bemkhangele….??

  2. kanti bekungela zikliwi ebezingamhoza aphumuze akade bemkhangele….??

  3. That is very true. The Very Truth which is obvious to everybody. Elections may NEVER be FAIR especially in Zimbabwe. What can be done I dont know but what I know and what everybody knows and when I say everybody I mean everybody in Zim knows our elections are never fair. TOUGH but that is the naked truth.

  4. I do not think she understand the secrecy of the vote and transparency during the voting process. She was sponsored by the ZANU PF thugs and want to spoil other commissioners who mean well. A judge saying that secrecy of the vote and transparency are contradictory, is like a driver saying that the steering wheel should be given to a passenger. She is a shame.

  5. I do not think she understand the secrecy of the vote and transparency during the voting process. She was sponsored by the ZANU PF thugs and want to spoil other commissioners who mean well. A judge saying that secrecy of the vote and transparency are contradictory, is like a driver saying that the steering wheel should be given to a passenger. She is a shame.

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