Tatenda Zhoya Caught In The Act Printing Fake COS Papers
19 July 2024
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*UK SCAM: Tatenda Zhoya Caught Printing Fake COS Papers*

By A Correspondent | ZimEye | A UK-based Zimbabwean, Tatenda Zhoya, has been exposed by ZimEye for printing fake Certificate of Sponsorship (COS) papers. The investigation revealed that Zhoya was caught after printing two fake COS documents, which are only authorized to be issued by the Home Office.

Tatenda Zhoya

Last week, Zhoya supplied these counterfeit papers to two job seekers. When approached by ZimEye, a nervous Zhoya did not deny issuing the fake documentation, which is crucial for obtaining work permits or visas.

Zhoya stated, “I was told by my employer that the COS is fake.” However, the company, whose name is withheld, denied his claims, asserting that they do not use agents like Zhoya and that job seekers receive the papers directly from them.

When pressed for more information, Zhoya shifted his story, claiming he received the COS from an agent named Becky but could not provide her surname. Eventually, Zhoya admitted to printing the fake documents, trying to cover up his wrongdoing.

Further background checks on Zhoya revealed a history of dishonesty. ZimEye continues to investigate the matter.


#cosscam #cosfraud