Is Fulcrum Not Adulterating Between Chamisa And Mnangagwa?
4 July 2024
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Harare, Zimbabwe – July 4, 2024

By Farai D Hove | In a fiery exchange, former NPF spokesperson Jealousy Mawarire has accused Advocate Thabani Mpofu of hypocrisy regarding the military’s involvement in Zimbabwean politics. The accusations follow Mpofu’s recent letter to ZNA Commander Lt. Gen. Ancelem Sanyatwe, criticizing his partisan comments.

Mpofu, in his letter dated July 3, 2024, to Lt. Gen. Sanyatwe, condemned the ZNA’s involvement in political activities, citing violations of the Constitution of Zimbabwe. Mpofu highlighted statements made by Sanyatwe at a gathering where he appeared to endorse ZANU PF, stating, “Do we understand each other? Forward with ZANU (PF), Forward with Chamisa, Down with ED Mnangagwa, Down with the enemy!”

Mawarire’s Response

In response, Mawarire accused Mpofu of double standards. He referenced Mpofu’s defense of the military’s role in the 2017 coup that led to President Mugabe’s removal, arguing that Mpofu supported the military’s actions when it benefited Mnangagwa. Mawarire’s statement read:

“So @adv_fulcrum, ED’s lawyer who argued in court that the military involvement in Zanu-PF internal politics in Nov 2017, which led to the removal of President Mugabe through a coup, was legal, has suddenly realized, today, the existence of provisions in the constitution which outlaw the involvement of the army in partisan politics? Such duplicitous, dishonest and unprincipled lawyers are as real a problem to our multiparty democracy as is the involvement of the army in partisan politics that they now purport to fight.”

Mawarire questioned Mpofu’s integrity, accusing him of only criticizing military involvement when it no longer served his client’s interests.


The exchange highlights the ongoing debate over the military’s role in Zimbabwean politics and raises questions about legal and political accountability. Mpofu, a prominent lawyer, is now under scrutiny for his shifting positions on the military’s engagement in political affairs.

Current Status

At the time of writing, Thabani Mpofu has yet to respond to Mawarire’s allegations. The public and political analysts await further developments as this controversy unfolds.

This incident suggests the complex and often contentious relationship between the military and politics in Zimbabwe, as well as the critical role of legal professionals in navigating these waters. The outcome of this public dispute could have significant implications for both legal precedents and political dynamics in the country.

Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story.