Faith And Fright, Why Christian Silence Enables Oppression
4 July 2024
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By Dr. Raymond Chamba | The local Christian religious community is known by its unique prayerful quietude in the face of gross injustice. The prayer warriors are married to “witnessing”…which is a zealous retelling of ancient stories/legends and not “with-nessing” which is immersing themselves into the recency/currency and relevancy of everyday issues.

We have committed partners to a dose of dancing, praising and electric summations of Jesus Christ shrouded in the mysticism of Middle Eastern mores/lore and forever emasculated from standing up to the poor, huddled, abused and marginalised masses of today even if there are praying for his coming back while the preacher men are taking all alms for the performance of fake gloriana.

When you see great silence know that you are in an area populated by Christians. They are forever quick to find biblical exactitudes and characteristically quiet when it comes to the true morality. These are people who worry about consenting adults expressing love in different ways but totally indifferent to a whole nation getting bend over everyday. Oh Christians, Jesus save me from these followers. Their duplicitous skulduggery is an examination of social and political legend.

If you want any justice in this world avoid the religious type of Christians. Go with Muslims perhaps and you are better off with drunkards and the drug addled as they more quickly answer to a call for action. When you hear of gross injustice understand that it’s usually perpetrated under some religious cover and perhaps some morsels of the loot theatrically committed to the church.

If you are looking for true justice avoid Christians like the plague. They are either part of the bad business or if not convincing you all to bow down your heads in prayer while the wicked and garrulous prey on everyone and everything. Quick to arrange all night soirées and quite slow to protest for good and moral justice.

Silent nights. Holy nights. Don’t bring any Christian friends to a good fight as they are full of fright and feigned morality. The level of endemic corruption in Zimbabwe requires a counter-vailing force of savagery that Christians cannot stomach. If you need true change leave the Christians at home. They pray too much and do too little. Moral Dolittles…..

Most are metaphorical Walking Eagles…too full of shit to fly. Radical change is needed and fast but don’t tell me that you are saying a little prayer in the hope that things will take a new direction. The country is at some serious cross roads but don’t call on anyone you meet under some trees or in guilded, ornate structures speaking divinity and goodness to mankind. They are part of the problem.