“Crippled” ZANU PF Youth Leader Caught Dancing on Camera in SA, Back In Court
4 July 2024
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Masvingo, Zimbabwe – July 4, 2024 | The ZANU PF Masvingo youth chairperson Delight Mandebvu, who claimed to be too ill to attend his assault trial, and was caught on camera energetically participating in ANC election activities in South Africa is back on trial.

Mandebvu has been charged for allegedly assaulting former Masvingo Mayor Collen Maboke, his wife Tariro, and relative Simbarashe Matyei was postponed to next Monday. The incident occurred on March 2, 2024, following a vehicle sideswipe on the Masvingo-Bikita road. Mandebvu, accompanied by several men, allegedly pursued and assaulted the victims after the sideswipe.

The case, initially before Magistrate Elizabeth Hanzi, saw multiple postponements due to Mandebvu’s claims of illness and difficulty securing legal representation. Despite these claims, video footage shows Mandebvu actively dancing and campaigning in South Africa, raising questions about his reported health condition. This footage led to Magistrate Hanzi issuing, then later canceling, a warrant for Mandebvu’s arrest after his lawyers intervened, citing his involvement in ANC campaign activities.

Provincial Magistrate Franklin Mkwananzi now presides over the trial, which continues next Monday. The court’s patience appears to be wearing thin as Mandebvu’s credibility comes under scrutiny following these revelations.

### Background

The incident that led to the assault charges occurred on March 2, 2024, when vehicles driven by Maboke’s wife and Mandebvu sideswiped each other. Mandebvu, reportedly with several men, pursued Maboke’s vehicle, blocking it after a 10km chase. The confrontation turned violent, resulting in injuries to Maboke, his wife, and their relative.

### Court Proceedings

– **May 8, 2024**: First court sitting, postponed as Mandebvu sought legal representation.
– **May 21, 2024**: Mandebvu cited illness; trial postponed.
– **May 28, 2024**: Mandebvu failed to appear, reportedly campaigning in South Africa.

### Recent Developments

Despite claiming to be crippled and unable to attend court, Mandebvu was filmed actively participating in ANC rallies. This discrepancy has led to significant public and legal scrutiny, with the trial set to resume under heightened attention.

Stay tuned for further updates on this unfolding story.