You Are Lying to Yourself, Sikhala Tells Sanyatwe, Zanu PF
3 July 2024
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By A Correspondent| Former Zengeza West legislator Job Sikhala has dismissed remarks by Zimbabwe National Army Commander General Anselem Sanyatwe that Zanu PF will rule till donkeys develop horns, is just fallacy.

Sanyatwe has torched a political storm after a video of him telling some villagers that Zanu PF will rule forever and if need be, they will use command voting.

Sanyatwe vowed President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s party will enforce what he termed “command voting”.

“Zanu PF will continue ruling until donkeys grow horns. Whether you like it or not. Now, I am speaking as the army commander, we are going to use what is called command voting.”

But Sikhala has sworn that Sanyatwe was just lying to himself as it will never happen.

“Zvokuti ZANU PF ichatonga kusvika madhongi amera nyanga kuzvinyepera uko. Kuzvifadza nenhema!!!,” said Sikhala.

Former senior member of the MDC, Senator Morgan Komichi also weighed in on the issue urging Mnangagwa to reign in on Sanyatwe for his reckless remarks.

“The statement attributed to Gen A Sanyatwa that Zanupf will rule forever and he will use command voting using traditional leaders is highly irresponsible,treasonous, unconstitutional and criminal. The President should act. Zimbabwe deserves a better General than this,” said Komichi.