Mnangagwa Rewards 2008 Terrorist Junta
2 July 2024
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By Political Correspondent- President Emmerson Mnangagwa on Monday paid tribute to one of the top military figures involved in terrorising opposition supporters during the discredited 2008 June Presidential run-off campaign.

Brigadier-General (Rtd) Romeo Daniel Mutsvunguma was identified by Human Rights Watch as one of the key Army officials who persecuted thousands of the late Morgan Tsvangirai’s supporters in 2008.

He presided over the killing of over 200 MDC supporters by the Zanu PF militia and the displacement of thousands from their homes.

Brigadier-General (Rtd) Mutsvunguma, who died on June 13, was laid to rest at the national shrine on Monday as an honour by Mnangagwa.

Speaking at his burial, President Mnangagwa praised him as a dedicated soldier.

Mnangagwa, who was bolstered by the military in 2008 after the March elections, played a pivotal role in convincing President Robert Mugabe, who had been defeated by the MDC Presidential candidate, to retain power.

Mnangagwa and the military manipulated the Presidential election results, which were withheld for over a month to prevent either Tsvangirai or Mugabe from securing an outright majority vote.

This manipulation forced Mugabe and Tsvangirai into a unity government that lasted until 2013.

Mnangagwa’s manoeuvres during this period set the stage for his eventual rise to power, culminating in his successful ousting of Mugabe with military assistance in 2017, achieving his long-held ambition of becoming President of the Republic.