ZACC Nails Chimombe, Mpofu
30 June 2024
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Fraud-accused businessman Mike Chimombe and his colleague Moses Mpofu were difficult to arrest, as described by the State’s representative, Anesu Chirenje, in a Harare magistrate’s court on Thursday.

Chirenje opposed their bail, supported by Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission investigating officer Gamuchirai Zimunhu, who explained to magistrate Marewanazvo Gofa that the two had been elusive.

Zimunhu testified that Chimombe and Mpofu interfered with investigations by taking and posting videos of their visits to ZACC offices on social media.

This behavior, Zimunhu argued, could lead to public disorder and erode trust in the justice system, as it might seem like ZACC catches and releases suspects without consequence.

Zimunhu detailed the difficulties in apprehending the accused, recounting that on Tuesday, June 25, a significant part of the day was spent unsuccessfully searching for them at their residences.

Despite arranging a meeting through their lawyer, Mr. Mugiya, the accused failed to appear as promised. Chimombe claimed to be out of Harare, and Mpofu was supposedly at his farm in Zvimba.

When they did not show up as arranged, a manhunt was initiated after the suspects turned hostile.

Source : Operation Restore Legacy