David Mnangagwa Had Opened Investigation on Chivayo Before Home Attacked By Mystery Fire, Bullets-Spread
30 June 2024
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By Special Correspondent | ZimEye | Deputy Finance Minister David Mnangagwa opened an investigation on tender-preneur Wicknell Chivayo, shortly before bullets were found in his home, ZimEye is told.

Impeccable sources speaking with ZimEye reveal that David Kuda Mnangagwa is not at all First Lady Auxillia’s son. He is the child of one of Mugabe-minister, Ignatious Chombo’s late sisters.

David is inside the Mnangagwa clan viewed as the most stable in character, having trained in the US; It is a play within a play because while there are factions inside, there are factions outside, records show.

Some of Emmerson Mnangagwa’s sons

While Auxillia’s male twins wield significant state influence, Kuda is the most placed to take over power as the kingpin of all cartels, and his boss Mthuli Ncube is more a servant to him as he (the latter) has always been a manager of president Emmerson Mnangagwa’s businesses. Mthuli Ncube is Mnangagwa’s personal employee in the sense of practice.

These are the complexities surrounding the fire that attacked David Mnangagwa two days ago, plus the three bullets found near his bedroom door.

David is the centrepiece of the movement of money, a source further tells ZimEye.

“Soon after the Chivayo audio leaks had surfaced, David was internally tasked to investigate him, even though the role is not publicly announced, a source told ZimEye.

Efforts to get a comment from the Deputy Minister were fruitless at the time of writing.

Chivayo was still respond to requests for comment at the time of writing.

His welfare is now a major national security concern. In a series of alarming events, the son of the Head of State, has found himself at the center of a security investigation after a fire gutted his home and bullets were discovered on the property days before.

Hon. David Mnangagwa

The fire, which broke out two days ago, caused extensive damage to the Mnangagwa residence. Preliminary reports suggest that the fire may have been deliberately set, although investigations are ongoing.

In a disturbing turn, unspent bullets were found scattered inside the Borrowdale home and on the lawn. This discovery has heightened concerns about the nature of the incident, prompting an immediate and thorough investigation by state security agencies.

Police have not yet determined the source or intent behind the bullets, but the incident has raised significant security questions.

While no injuries were reported, and David Mnangagwa is said to be cooperating fully with the investigation, there are 3 scenarios:

1. David is the nucleus inside many convolutions inside the scramble for state resources and the management of public funds.
2. He is also beholden to two women who are sisters, who may be fighting.
3. Eye witnesses say they saw the fire coming from within.
4. Internally in government he is not a favourite with the likes of George Guvamatanga because he is delaying or blocking many private deals. He is the internal stop of many explosions. If it wasn’t for him, there would be many scandals. The development suggests there are now many loopholes that can be manipulated.
5. There are factional fights inside ZANU PF.
6. Some sources make sensational suggestions that there is a spiritual dimension. This group says the fire was the cause of supernatural forces.-ZimEye