Police Says They Are Now Investigating A Movie-Style Break-In At Mnangagwa Son’s House
28 June 2024
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By A Correspondent| The Zimbabwe Republic Police has said investigations are underway in connection with a break-in at President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s son Kudakwashe David Mnangagwa’s house in Borrowdale.

Kudakwashe’s house was invaded by yet to be known people who ransacked the house and left live bullets in his bedroom.

According to ZimLive, on June 25, an intruder whom police are dubbing the “ghost raider” left six cartridges – three outside Mnangagwa’s main bedroom door and three on the lawn outside the double storey property on Camel Road which is guarded by two police officers.

The first breach took place on June 23 at around 10PM when Mnangagwa, who was watching TV with his wife, called the police officers after hearing unusual noises coming from the ceiling.

The officers surveyed the house and the perimeter but saw nothing suspicious.