Mnangagwa Panics Looming Kenyan-Style Protests
28 June 2024
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By Political Reporter- The Emmerson Mnangagwa-led administration is in a state of panic over the possibility of mass protests akin to those currently shaking Kenya.

The regime has threatened to arrest any citizen suspected of inciting such demonstrations, revealing a deep-seated fear of public dissent.

Kenya’s ongoing protests, which have resulted in dozens of deaths, were sparked by President William Ruto’s proposed finance and tax law.

Like Mnangagwa, Ruto faces accusations of failing to deliver on promises made during his presidential campaign two years ago.

Acting Home Affairs Minister Jenfan Muswere told reporters in Harare on Thursday that the government would arrest any citizen suspected of initiating protests.

This announcement comes amid growing discontent among Zimbabweans over deteriorating economic conditions and rampant human rights violations perpetrated by the ZANU-PF government.

“This is in line with their well-documented modus operandi to seek attention and raise funding to try to resurrect their political careers through subverting the will of the people,” Muswere said. “Therefore, as government, we are warning perpetrators of these serial choreographed theatrics who are involved in subversive activities aimed at undermining the rule of law that their days are numbered and that their lawless plans will never see the light of day.”

Muswere said they have put the state security on high alert.

“Law enforcement agencies will not hesitate to apprehend all those who undermine the justice delivery system through causing chaos and mayhem. Finally, the government assures members of the public that the security forces have adequate capacity to maintain law and order in terms of their constitutional mandate,” he said.
Under Mnangagwa’s rule, Zimbabwe has witnessed an escalation in authoritarian tactics that surpass even those of the late Robert Mugabe.

The current administration’s heavy-handed approach to dissent and its blatant disregard for human rights signal a deepening dictatorship that threatens the fabric of Zimbabwean society.