Zanu PF Supporters Get Preference In Nursing Recruitment
27 June 2024
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THE government has moved in to introduce a new nurse recruitment policy in a bid to ensure that prospective candidates in marginalised communities also benefit.

The new policy is meant to ensure that those from marginalised communities with adequate qualifications but unable to apply electronically for nurse training are not left behind.

Consultations have been held towards the crafting of the new draft policy which will come into effect in September, five years after the electronic application system was introduced.

“The new policy speaks to the aspirations of the President of leaving no place and no one behind,” said the Deputy Director for Nursing Services in the Ministry of Health and Child Care, Dr Lilian Dodzo.

The Deputy Minister of Health and Child Care, Honourable Sleiman Kwidini said the policy should curb corruption in the trainee nurses recruitment process.

“It was noted that some candidates especially from rural settings were disadvantaged. Against this backdrop, some recruitment guidelines have been developed to address this challenge.”

The new policy will ensure capable and qualified candidates from rural and farming communities will be given a fair chance for recruitment as nurses.