Wicknell Chivayo Publicly Threatens Poice, Judges, “The Boys Have Slapped The Lion With Bare Hands!”
27 June 2024
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-Wicknell Chivayo Threatens Judges, Police, and Prosecutors Amid Ongoing Legal Battles

By Farai D Hove | Harare, Zimbabwe – June 27, 2024 | Convicted money launderer, Wicknell Chivayo has posted a video and pictures on social media threatening judges, police, prosecutors, and individuals accusing him of money laundering. The threats, made on the same day that Moses Mpofu and Mike Chimombe were arrested and taken to court for fraud, have sent ripples through Zimbabwe’s legal and political landscape. 

Chivayo’s video includes footage of him flaunting his wealth, displaying an expensive wristwatch, shoes, and luxurious furniture. In the video, Chivayo sings a melodic statement with the following lyrics:

“The poor try to poke and poke;
The boys slept the lion with bare hands.

What you do to me I don’t like it.
You are arranging to assault me you are so afraid of me.

Don’t you know that only the wise will survive?

You are doing witchcraft in the night and in the afternoon.”

The mention of the “lion” is a direct reference to President Mnangagwa, whose ancestral surname translates to “lion.” Chivayo’s threats have raised serious concerns about the intimidation of judicial and law enforcement officials in Zimbabwe.

**Harare Businessmen Face Court Over Fraud Charges**

On the same day of Chivayo’s threats, Harare businessmen Moses Mpofu (49) and Mike Chimombe (43) appeared before the Harare Magistrates Court facing serious fraud charges. The two are accused of forging critical compliance certificates to secure a lucrative government tender. 

The National Prosecuting Authority of Zimbabwe reports that Mpofu and Chimombe allegedly forged a ZIMRA tax clearance certificate and a NSSA compliance certificate under the name of Blackdeck Private Limited. These forged documents were submitted as part of a tender bid to the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Fisheries, and Rural Development for the supply and delivery of goats for the Presidential Goat Pass-on Scheme.

Investigations revealed that the QR codes and references on the certificates were linked to different companies, indicating that the certificates were not genuine. It was further established that Blackdeck Private Limited had been deregistered from the NSSA system in January 2016 and did not possess a valid ZIMRA tax clearance certificate for 2021.

On the basis of these forged documents, the Ministry of Lands contracted Blackdeck Private Limited on November 3, 2021. The Ministry transferred significant funds amounting to ZWL 1.6 billion, approximately USD 7.2 million, into the company’s account. Following delays in goat delivery, further investigations found that the businessmen misrepresented the number of goats available, claiming to have mobilized 32,500 goats across various provinces. However, verification revealed only 3,713 goats in their holding sites.

The Ministry consequently canceled the contract on August 29, 2022. It was discovered that the accused had supplied a total of 4,208 goats valued at USD 331,445 and had converted USD 7,380,751 to their personal use. None of the funds were recovered.

Mpofu and Chimombe have been remanded in custody and are scheduled for a bail hearing tomorrow.


Wicknell Chivayo’s threats have added a new dimension to the legal proceedings against Harare businessmen Moses Mpofu and Mike Chimombe. The National Prosecuting Authority emphasizes its commitment to combating crime and corruption through stringent legal actions, despite the intimidating tactics employed by figures like Chivayo. The situation underscores the challenges faced by Zimbabwe’s judicial and law enforcement systems in maintaining the rule of law.

For more updates, stay tuned to our news channel.
