FORUS Party Sets the Record Straight on Misrepresentation by Thandazani Moyo
27 June 2024
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FORUS Party hereby issues a press statement to disassociate ourselves from the recent opinions expressed by Mr. Thandazani Moyo in a media appearance on Gambakwe Media.

First and foremost, we would like to clarify that Mr. Thandazani Moyo is no longer a member of FORUS Party. He resigned from his position as Spokesperson and revoked his membership in July 2023.

Therefore, his views and opinions do not represent those of FORUS Party. We categorically refute, deny, and dismiss with contempt the notion that FORUS Party is involved in any alleged demonstration against a sitting government.

Such claims are baseless and unfounded. FORUS Party upholds the principles of peaceful and democratic means to address issues and advocate for electoral reforms.

It has come to our attention that our President, Manyara Irene Muyenziwa, who is also the Convener of NERA, had a private conversation with the SADC Secretariat.

Unfortunately, this conversation was unprofessionally made public by Gambakwe Media, with the assistance of Mr. Thandazani Moyo. We deeply regret this breach of trust and violation of privacy by Mr. Gambakwe.

FORUS Party maintains a cordial relationship with the Southern African Development Community (SADC). We have engaged diplomatically with SADC on issues related to electoral reforms and irregularities.

It is important to note that SADC does not have a legal basis to order and supervise fresh elections in Zimbabwe. Our engagement with SADC is focused on constructive dialogue and collaboration to promote democratic electoral standards in Southern Africa.

We would like to emphasize our appreciation for SADC’s efforts in upholding democratic governance standards, promoting peace and security, accelerating regional integration, and supporting infrastructure development.

FORUS Party acknowledges the role of independent observer missions, including the SADC Electoral Observer Mission (SEOM), in monitoring and assessing Zimbabwe’s general elections. We recognize the constraints faced by SADC in enforcing its recommendations and interventions.

SADC relies on diplomatic strategies, moral persuasion, and soft power approaches to address electoral conflicts. FORUS Party understands and respects these institutional structures and their limitations.

FORUS Party remains committed to democratic values, electoral integrity, and the pursuit of good governance in Zimbabwe. We will continue to engage with relevant stakeholders, including SADC, to foster democratic norms and principles within the region.