Chamisa Rejects NERA Invite, Demands Platform Leadership
23 January 2024
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The leader of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), Nelson Chamisa, has reportedly declined to be a part of the re-established National Electoral Reforms Agenda (NERA) committee, insisting that he would only consider joining if appointed as the leader.

The incident unfolded last Friday when opposition political parties in Zimbabwe convened to sign the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the revived NERA committee.

Chamisa’s conspicuous absence from the event raised eyebrows, with sources suggesting that his decision was rooted in reported dictatorial behaviour and egocentric tendencies, indicating a potential fracture within the opposition alliance.

A source revealed that a unanimous decision was reached among signatories to accept Chamisa’s decision not to join NERA, citing his egocentric tendencies and a perceived disregard for the opinions of others.

The same source emphasised that inviting Chamisa would risk introducing chaos as he has been associated with confusion and disorder wherever he goes.

“Stakeholders of NERA collectively agreed that Nelson Chamisa’s inclusion would have been counterproductive, given the internal rebellion he is currently facing within his own party,” the source stated, highlighting concerns that the internal strife might spill over into NERA proceedings if Chamisa were to participate.

Despite an initial invitation extended to Chamisa, the source disclosed that the invitation was later revoked, emphasizing the need for a harmonious and focused approach to electoral reforms.

President of the Labour, Economists, and African Democrats (LEAD), Linda Masarira, confirmed to this publication the formation of NERA and declared that her party would be chairing the NERA Legal Affairs portfolio.

Masarira expressed optimism about the transformative potential of NERA, stating, “In 2028, we will have a different election. United in our diversity, we shall transform and reform Zimbabwe.”

Masarira unveiled the structure of NERA, revealing that Freedom of Rights Under Sovereign (FORUS) leader, Manyara Irene Muyenziwa would chair the organisation, with Wilbert Mubaiwa, leader of the National People’s Congress (NPC), serving as her deputy.

The President of the MDC T, Douglas Mwonzora, was appointed the spokesperson, while Blessing Kasiyamhuru of the Zimbabwe Partnership for Prosperity (ZIPP) will oversee international engagements.

Masarira also announced the participation of other leaders, which include Lucia Matibenga of the People Democratic Party (PDP), Sibangalizwe Nkomo of ZAPU, and Gabriel Shumba of the Zimbabwe Exiles Forum (ZEF), among others.

Political commentator Calvin Chitsunge said that the exclusion of Chamisa from NERA signalled a strategic move by opposition parties to foster unity and focus on electoral reform, steering clear of potential disruptions associated with internal dissent within the CCC.

“As we delve into the intricate realm of electoral reform under the auspices of NERA, it becomes incumbent upon us to exercise a discerning eye over the organisation’s proceedings. The historical backdrop of NERA, notably in 2017, when it faced allegations of orchestrating demonstrations against the Government, casts a shadow of scepticism,” said Chitsunge.

Chitsunge added that, “While the commitment to electoral reform remains paramount, the potential susceptibility of NERA to exploitation by external forces must not be underestimated. In navigating this path, stakeholders must advocate transparency and accountability within NERA, cognizant of the delicate balance required to prevent any deviation from its intended objectives.

“A vigilant approach is essential, serving as a safeguard against external interference and internal disturbances that could compromise the stability of Zimbabwe.”

Meanwhile, Chamisa’s reported egocentric and dictatorial behaviour has not only led him to snub the re-established NERA committee but has also prompted his absence from the Political Actors Dialogue (POLAD) platform.

Preferring to operate as a lone ranger in the country’s political landscape, Chamisa’s decisions raise questions about the broader implications for collaborative efforts and inclusive political discourse within Zimbabwe.
