ZANU PF Man Caught Defacing CCC Posters
25 July 2023
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Thomas Chidzomba’s Desperation Evident as Election Loss Looms.

Dear Editor

Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe – With the parliamentary election scheduled for August 2023 quickly approaching, tensions are rising in Chinhoyi Constituency as Thomas Chidzomba, the Zanu PF’s Parliamentary candidate, resorts to alarming tactics of violence and intimidation. Chinhoyi Constituency has long been considered a stronghold for the Citizen Coalition for Change, and the growing popularity of front runner Eng Leslie Mhangwa has seemingly made Chidzomba aware of his imminent defeat. 

The latest incident occurred earlier today at Pfungwadzakanaka Shopping center, where Chidzomba’s aides and his proxies Admire Ndlovu, also known as “Bicep Admire” of the notorious “Top Six” gang, and Zanu PF ward six Aspiring council candidate Brighton Chinotunha, forcefully confiscated and subsequently burned 300 campaign posters belonging to Eng Mhangwa from Citizen Coalition for Change volunteers. Simultaneously, Chinotunha was caught defacing campaign posters of Chinhoyi Mayor and incumbent ward 5 councillor Garikai Dendera. The incident has been reported to the police under RRB5586631 at Chemagamba police station. 

CCC posters stripped down

This unfortunate turn of events has rekindled gruesome memories of the infamous “Top Six” gang, known for terrorizing Chinhoyi residents during the turn of the millennium. Bicep Admire is believed to be one of the few remaining members of the gang, which was formed by flamboyant businessman and perennial political loser Phillip Chiyangwa during the 2000 presidential campaign. It is important to note that the election at that time was marred by controversy, with widespread condemnation from the international community due to allegations of electoral malpractice.

It is evident that Chidzomba, sensing his potential defeat, has chosen to embrace the dark underbelly of politics by resorting to violence. Such actions not only tarnish the reputation of the Zanu PF party but also undermine the democratic principles upon which elections are founded. The incident serves as a stark reminder that the use of intimidation and violence only serves to erode trust in the electoral process and communicates a lack of confidence in one’s own policies and abilities.

It is crucial that the proper authorities thoroughly investigate and address this incident, ensuring that those responsible are held accountable for their actions. Additionally, it is essential for citizens to remain vigilant and reject any attempts to manipulate or undermine the democratic process.

As the election draws nearer, it is our hope that all candidates prioritize peaceful and respectful engagement with voters, focusing on the issues that truly matter to the Chinhoyi community. Democracy flourishes when individuals have the opportunity to engage in open and honest dialogue, enabling the electorate to make well-informed decisions.

#Ngaapinde Hake Engineer
#Energise#Ngaibake Chinhoyi
#Winning big for everyone