Mutsvangwa Sinks Mnangagwa
23 June 2023
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Monica Mutsvangwa’s Newsroom Africa Interview: Unveiling Falsehoods and Implications

By Terry Lunga | Monica Mutsvangwa, a cabinet minister in Zimbabwe, recently participated in an interview on Newsroom Africa, where she discussed the topic of sanctions against Zimbabwe in the lead-up to the 2023 elections. This interview has been likened to a classic GoldMafia documentary upgrade, as it has exposed Mutsvangwa’s alleged falsehoods regarding the subject of sanctions. The repercussions of her statements have now left the cabinet minister isolated, potentially affecting President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s presidency. However, the controversy surrounding the interview goes beyond sanctions, with allegations of personal misconduct and corruption that have marred Mutsvangwa’s reputation and raised concerns about accountability within the government.

Falsehoods Regarding Sanctions and Implications

During the Newsroom Africa interview, Monica Mutsvangwa made statements that have called into question her credibility and transparency. Her claims contradicted the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe’s announcement that there are no sanctions against Zimbabwe’s imports or exports. This contradiction not only exposed a lack of coordination and consistency within the government but also fueled speculation about the truthfulness of official statements. Mutsvangwa’s remarks suggest that she may be acting independently to undermine President Mnangagwa’s presidency, further destabilizing the political landscape.

Allegations of Personal Misconduct and Corruption

In addition to the falsehoods surrounding sanctions, Monica Mutsvangwa has faced serious allegations of personal misconduct and corruption. Democracy advocate Makomborero Haruzivishe highlighted Mutsvangwa’s family circumstances, stating that her children are based in the United States of America. Haruzivishe went on to claim that Mutsvangwa’s first-born child, Neville Mutsvangwa, engages in illegal forex trading on the black market. These allegations, if proven true, raise significant ethical concerns about Mutsvangwa’s integrity as a public servant and her commitment to serving the interests of the Zimbabwean people.

Public Outrage and Calls for Accountability

The revelations surrounding Monica Mutsvangwa’s alleged misconduct have triggered widespread public outrage and calls for accountability. CCC spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere expressed concern over the damage caused to the country’s image by Mutsvangwa’s interview. The allegations of corruption and the stark contrast between Mutsvangwa’s personal wealth and the hardships faced by many Zimbabweans have further fueled public discontent. Democracy advocate Makomborero Haruzivishe’s impassioned plea for Zimbabweans to take action during the upcoming elections reflects the growing sentiment among the population.

The Role of the Media in Exposing Misconduct

Amidst the controversy, socialite Lynne Mudonhi proposed applauds for the journalist who exposed Monica Mutsvangwa. This highlights the crucial role of the media in uncovering the truth and holding public officials accountable. Journalists have a responsibility to pursue investigative journalism and provide the public with accurate information, enabling citizens to make informed decisions.


Monica Mutsvangwa’s Newsroom Africa interview on the subject of sanctions against Zimbabwe ahead of the 2023 elections has exposed falsehoods and sparked a series of damaging allegations. Her statements, contradicting official announcements, have put her at odds with President Mnangagwa’s administration and raised concerns about her motives. The allegations of personal misconduct and corruption have further tarnished Mutsvangwa’s reputation and intensified public outrage. As the country moves towards the upcoming elections, Zimbabweans are increasingly calling for accountability and transparency within the government. The media’s role in uncovering the truth and shedding light on misconduct should be recognized and celebrated, as it plays a crucial role in fostering a more accountable and just society.