Mnangagwa’s Fall Will Be Thunderous!
20 August 2021
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Statements by Emmerson Mnangagwa that he is indispensable as exhibited by his rants in Mutare yesterday clearly shows that he is detached from reality.

Clearly the old man is living in dreamland. Either the people around him are misinforming him or he is just another miserable dictator who does not take advice.

He seems not to be aware that his name is soiled and unsellable to the public.

Mnangagwa’s name stinks to the public and a mere mention of his name in public places like bus terminus and shopping centres is usually greeted by a serious disapproval from citizens.

He is just unlikable, unelectable and way past his sell-by political date.

On the other hand, a mere mention of Nelson Chamisa’s name charms the nation. His brand is abundantly acceptable to the public.

Like all miserable dictators, Mnangagwa is clouded in a false sense of invincibility.

He is heading towards a crushing defeat at the hands of MDC Alliance led by President Nelson Chamisa.

Meanwhile, we implore all young people to go out in their numbers to register to vote. We are the change that we seek!




Stephen Sarkozy Chuma
MDC Alliance Youth Assembly National Spokesperson

Emmerson Mnangagwa
Emmerson Mnangagwa