Women Are Not Plastic S*x Objects, Bishop Magaya Reprimands Mohadi
24 February 2021
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By Bishop Ancelimo Magaya

The placement of man in the garden of Eden,his pleasures and responsibilities clearly come with set boundaries.

The law of boundaries thus has always been there from time immemorial.

Our freedom can never be absolute even the freedom regarding what men and women can do with their bodies,yet if we do well in managing all facets of our make up we will enjoy the freedom not to go beyond set boundaries.Adam was clearly instructed to enjoy every tree for food except for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Going beyond boundaries to eat what has been expressly forbidden is going off the mark and therefore is called sin.

When a man and woman who are not married sleep together,that is called fornication.When both are separately married or one of them is married and they sleep together,it simply means that they have defiled the bed of the married and its called adultery.It does not matter whether the woman is an adult and wilfully consent to sex out of her volution or In exchange of money.Moreso, when the other ,like VP Mohadi who occupies a position of authority sleeps around with ladies fit to be his daughters, daughters in law or grand daughters in exchange of money or protection,that becomes more than adultery. It’s debauchery. It is sexual orgy.

It is reducing the powerless women to sexual plastic objects and it’s an abomination before God.

For Linda Masarira therefore to conclude that what women do with their bodies is entirely up to them is not only an oversimplistic approach to issues of rights and moral uprightness,but dangerously over permissive,pervesive and a sure way to hell

Repent !!
God save Zimbabwe

Kembo Mohadi