UK Based Zimbabwean Nurse Succumbs To COVID -19
22 April 2020
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United Kingdom-based Zimbabwean nurse, Felicity Siyachitema, yesterday succumbed to Covid-19 at Southend Hospital in London.
She was 51.

Family spokesperson, Mr Frederick Siyachitema, confirmed to The Herald last night.

“Yes, a dark cloud has befallen our family,” he said.
“Fellie passed away in a London hospital where she was admitted.

“We are in pain as a family. She was a strong woman, who was always supportive of her family. She was a helpful person, a hard worker, a mother and a dedicated nurse.”

Mr Siyachitema said her sister went to the United Kingdom in 2002.

“What is more painful is that we cannot attend the burial of our sister due to the restrictions cause by the pandemic,” said Mr Siyachitema.

“Our prayer is that after the pandemic, we will then be able to go to the UK and see her place of final rest.

“It is a very difficult situation for the whole family.”

Posting on her Facebook page yesterday evening, Zandile Ndlovu, who is a close relative to the family, poured out her heart bemoaning the ravaging effects of the pandemic and the family’s loss.

“It is hard enough when you read about the devastation that the coronavirus has been doing globally,” she said.- State