Mthuli Ncube Under Pressure To Step Down
14 March 2020
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Members of Parliament (MPs) who belong to the opposition MDC have called for the immediate resignation of the Minister of Finance Professor Mthuli Ncube.

The legislators are citing Ncube’s failure to address the economic and humanitarian crisis in the country whilst some say he is actually worsening it by his unpopular policies.

Among the legislators who called for Ncube’s resignation is MDC spokesperson, Daniel Molekele who said that Ncube’s policies are a reflection of his detachment from reality on the ground.

He said:
The only reason why the minister is coming up with one statutory instrument after another, task force after another is because he does not seem to understand what is happening on the ground.

The only way forward for the minister of Finance is to resign immediately,
Ncube has been under fire for his austerity measures which have caused untold suffering on members of the public.

Some analysts including Alex Tawanda Magaisa, a law lecturer in the United Kingdom view the ruling party as the major impediment to economic growth saying Ncube, like everyone else, “had a working strategy until he joined ZANU PF.”

Zimbabwe is in the worst economic and humanitarian crisis of the decade.Credit :Daily News