You Cry “Poor Journalism” But Mathema (72) Will Enjoy Physical Contact With Young Girls, Having Recently Taken Advantage Of Another | REACTIONS
8 November 2019
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By A Correspondent| ZANU PF leader Emmerson Mnangagwa has appointed a sugar daddy, Cain Mathema the new Minister Of Primary And Secondary Education.

The announcement was made on Friday, a day after a ZimEye article criticised Mnangagwa of failing to reshuffle his ministers 15 months after the disputed 2018 elections.

Commenting on the development, former Education Minister David Coltart said, “Putting Cain Mathema in charge of education is simply appalling.”

Mathema (76) recently married a 23 year old girlfriend in a posh English wedding that sent tounges wagging. The full list of appointments is below –

Mathema marrying a 23 year old girlfriend