Zimbabweans Arrested For Theft Of Vodacom Tower Batteries
7 August 2019
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Eight Vodacom tower batteries were found during a routine stop and search operation at Beitbridge border post.

Photo: Limpopo Police
Photo: Limpopo Police

Two Zimbabwean suspects were arrested at Beitbridge border post on Saturday after they were found to be in possession of suspected stolen property.

In a statement, police spokesperson Const Maphure Manamela said the suspects, travelling in a bakkie with a trailer, were heading to Zimbabwe from South Africa when they were stopped at the search bay.

During the routine search, the police found the tower batteries hidden inside the trailer. The driver and his passenger were immediately arrested.

‌Manamela added that the origin of the recovered items was still being determined through an ongoing investigation.

The suspects, aged 30 and 40, will appear in the Musina Magistrate’s Court on charges of possession of presumed stolen properties.

The high cost batteries are on a huge demand in Zimbabwe where they are used with solar power system in the country hit by massive power shortages.