Mthwakazi Proponents Claim Hartzell High School Was Burnt Down By Angry Parents Who Didn’t Want A Ndebele Teacher
8 April 2019
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The proposed Mthwakazi cessation map.

Own Correspondent|Mthwakazi Kingdom restoration proponents have been sending reports within Matabeleland region that Hartzell High School which went on fire last week was burnt down by parents who were angry because of the deployment of a Ndebele speaking teacher at the school.

Over the weekend, social media groups in the Matabeleland region were hype on discussions that parents in Manicaland set the school on fire because of the presence of one Ndebele teacher while their region was “flooded with teachers who can not speak local languages.”

The proponents circulated an unverifiable media article indicating that parents at the school had protested against the school authorities over the Ndebele teacher before the school went up in flames.

Below is the news article making round within Matabeleland region and causing huge despondency amongst the people in the region.

Authorities at the school have however previously indicated that the fire was a result of an electrical fault. has not yet been able to verify with the authorities on allegations that there was ever a discourse over deployment of a Ndebele speaking teacher at the school.

Below are some of the discussions that emerged following the publication of the post on social media.