“Younger Looking” Mugabe Speaks
20 March 2018
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Former president Robert Mugabe continues to defy age, telling a British journalist, who is decades younger, that he (Mugabe) looks younger.

Mugabe boasted of his “youthfulness” this during an interview with ITV News Africa correspondent John Ray at his Blue Roof mansion, where he opened up for the first time since his removal from office through a “coup” in November last year.

Mugabe has always been rubbing it in people’s faces that he was way too fit for his age, even sharing his fitness regimen that has seen him live a long life.

“Do you think you could be the president again?” Ray asked Mugabe as they sat across each other.

“No, the last part no, I don’t want to be the president . . . of course I am now 94, you see, I perhaps look younger than yourself, but age wise now I’m 94,” he said while letting out a chuckle.

He said his disgruntlement was in the way he was removed from power and not that he wanted to be president again.

“I would have wanted to support Emmerson’s bid but through the party system,” he said.

Mugabe is famous for his statement that he felt so strong like he is in a race to get to 100.

“I feel like I’m running a race, do you know a race to get where? To a 100,” he said in a birthday interview last year after being asked how he was feeling.

Mugabe has previously laughed off death reports, claiming that he was still as fit as a fiddle in his old age.

“I thank God for having lived to this day. I thank God for the good life. I have an ailment here and there (but) my organs . . . my heart and liver are very firm.
Recently, doctors were actually surprised by the strength of my bones,” Mugabe said in earlier interviews.

“The day will come when I will become sick.”

“I have died many times,” he said.

“That’s where I have beaten Christ. Christ died once and resurrected once. I have died and resurrected and I don’t know how many times I will die and resurrect.”

The 94-year-old has followed a strict exercise and diet routine since the his time in prison in the 70s.- daily news