Chivayo’s Posts Celebratory ZEC Denial Saying Leak Is Fake
22 June 2024
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By A Correspondent | ZimEye | Harare – In a celebration, the convicted money launderer, Wicknell Chivayo on Friday night posted an announcement that states that the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) denies the viral damning 64-page report, video and audio recordings of money laundering and the financing of the overthrowing elected governments in the last 2018 and 2023 elections, respectively.

Wicknell Chivayo’s fan page posts announcement

In the recent revelation, Wicknell Chivayo disclosed bank transactions implicating Scott Sakupwanya, himself, ZEC chairperson Justice Priscilla Chigumba, the CIO Director General Isaac Moyo, and businessmen Moses Mpofu and Mike Mpofu. These transactions show over USD 40 million being funneled for illicit activities.

In response, the ZEC released a statement on Friday, categorically denying all allegations. The statement read:

“We have noted with great concern social media posts and rumours circulating online, that are causing public alarm and despondency and we would like to put it on record that the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) has no contract nor did it procure any election material from or through individuals being mentioned in the reports. All materials procured for the 2023 Harmonised Elections were obtained in line with procurement regulations and there was due diligence as all tender processes were subjected to oversight.

We challenge all those alleging that the Commission has a contract with the three individuals to come forward and present the same.

We want to also publicly declare that the actual amounts used for the procurement of all the election materials were far less than the figures being mischievously circulated on social media. All election materials procured during the 2023 Harmonised Elections were delivered on time.

The Commission has also checked with the supplier who categorically stated in writing that they did not have any contract with the same individuals for the supply of election materials during the 2023 Harmonised Elections. Furthermore, there were no third parties between the Commission and all election material suppliers.

Any statements suggesting a contractual link between ZEC and these individuals for the supply of the 2023 Harmonised Elections materials are inaccurate, misleading and mischievous and therefore should be dismissed with the contempt it deserves. The Commission assures all its stakeholders that all procurements were above board.”

As this story develops, the allegations and subsequent denials are expected to create a significant stir in Zimbabwe’s political landscape, with many calling for further investigation into the matter.

The denials come against clear banking transactions for payments to these individuals, in what will doubtlessly be an international money laundering police case.

– ZimEye